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Moray's musicians encouraged to play Over The Rainbow during Clap For Carers on Thursday at 8pm

Everyone is invited to join in a national performance of Over The Rainbow.
Everyone is invited to join in a national performance of Over The Rainbow.

MUSICIANS from the local community are being encouraged to show appreciation for the NHS tomorrow (Thursday, April 30) at 8pm.

Principal Teacher of Music at Forres Academy, Hazel Lestienne, is appealing for anyone with an instrument at home to visit https://wemakemusicfornhs.weebly.com/, find the relevant sheet music and join in with a nationwide performance of ballad 'Over The Rainbow'.

She said: "I really want to get the school community involved in a time where we are all physically distant. Forres Academy is very much still here for all our pupils, parents and staff and this is just another string to that bow!

"Music can really bring people together and I know of the talent that so many of our young people and families have, so we would love to see that represented."

The Music Education Partnership Group are inviting musicians in Scotland to join in the Over The Rainbow Project in support of the NHS and all keyworkers.

Moray Council’s head of instrumental instruction, Alexander Davidson, is promoting the goodwill gesture, with tutors encouraging pupils to film their performances. Music departments across the region have been invited to do the same.

The sheet music for a wide range of instruments and backing tracks are online with the aim of getting as many people together, virtually, to play the song during the weekly Clap for Carers thank you.

Miss Lestienne said: "If you play an instrument and have one at home, get on to the website and find the sheet music for your instrument. There are easy or advanced parts depending on your level. There are also backing tracks available to play along with.

"I would love for our pupils, parents and staff to send me videos of them performing some or all of Over The Rainbow, either on Thursday at 8pm or whenever they can. I will collate the videos and audio into a Forres Academy version.

"We have been showing our appreciation on Thursdays by clapping or using pots and pans anyway - this is another tribute to our key workers, just a slightly more musical one!"

More information is available on the @Forresmusic Twitter page.

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